There is no such thing as the fountain of youth or the weed of life. Nobody can tell when you will stop breathing or how long will you be able to live but there is one thing for sure that you have the choice to enjoy life to the fullest by being healthy and have an enjoyable life experience. A lot of people can tell that marijuana is one of the many ways that you can live that way.
It can help you feel relaxed, feel good, active, focused, couch locked or whatever you want to feel without the harmful side effects that the medications can give you. If you are sick, then you can self medicate with marijuana without any problems. The reason why a lot of countries and states in the USA are legalizing the possession of cannabis is the fact that they understand the longer benefits that this plant can give to its users.
A story of a marijuana user
For five years, a woman suffered sleepless nights and anxiety because of she’s supporting her 2 kids alone. As a single parent, she worries about a lot of things. Her sleepless nights and anxiety stopped her for being productive.
She took medications which were not cheap at all. As time passed by, her body needs more dosage to keep her relaxed and sleep which are giving her much more problems until she decided to go for medical marijuana.
Cannabis helped her relax. She is more productive now and she can sleep well during night time.
If she was not able to medicate herself with marijuana. Do you think, she can live until today because of the medications that was slowly killing her? Of course not.
More and more people are using marijuana and they feel good now. Marijuana could not make you live a longer life but it can make you feel better with your life. This could not be the cure to cancer, AIDS/HIV and a lot more of other diseases but this can help a lot of people with their medical conditions. It is a very effective treatment to the symptoms of those diseases.